
Taking all the above into consideration, Automotive Solutions SA aims to:

The Administration of Automotive Solutions SA aims and commits in:
meeting the needs of its costumers in every transaction with the company
the continuous improvement of the quality of the products and that of the services it provides to the costumers, so that their needs are met to the maximum extent possible.
Providing all the necessary resources for the implementation and the continuous improvement of the Quality System
the proper operation of the business, following faithfully and without deviation everything referred to the current legislation and is related with its activity.
The quality policy and quality objectives are defined and are fully compatible with the Company’s framework and strategic direction. Quality objectives are set and maintained as part of the system’s internal control, monitoring and reviewing the system with the ultimate goal of increasing customer satisfaction. Sales increase regarding all aspects of the Company, alongside with the retaining or increasing of the staff, interact and collaborate with high costumer satisfaction, elimination of complaints and system non-conformances.

Taking all the above into consideration, Automotive Solutions SA aims to:

Develop and institutionalize simple and flexible operating procedures.

Ensure the stability of the quality of the products and services offered.

Improve and modernize the company’s organizational structures.

Standardize work methods.

Develop the mechanisms related with the early prevention and the identification of quality problems.

Increase customer satisfaction.

Automotive Solutions SA strongly believes that the implementation of the Quality System, according to the international standard ISO 9001:2015, will contribute the most in the achievement of the company’s goals.
We firmly believe that quality is achieved with the proper organization of the company, as well as, by the analysis, recording, institutionalization, and implementation of clear operating procedures which are faithfully followed by everyone, until the final result is produced.
We declare that in the company:
Quality is the guiding principle of all its activities.
Final judges of the quality of our products and services are our customers

Environment, health and safety at work policy.

Automotive Solutions has as its main policy to operate in a manner that respects the environment, the health and safety of its employees, preventing and reducing the impact of its activities on the environment and minimizing the health and safety risks to employees, partners and visitors.

In particular, it is committed to:
Prevent pollution of the environment from its activities.
Comply with all legal and other requirements relating to its activities.
It shall comply with all legal and other laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, health and safety at work and shall regularly assess the environmental and health status of its operations.
To the extent of its compliance the company establishes, objectives and programmes, which it systematically reviews, seeking to continuously and further improve its performance on environmental and health issues.
For health and safety at work, it uses natural resources (materials and energy) in the most efficient and technically feasible way, cooperates with national and local bodies responsible for environmental protection, has the appropriate means to apply the best available techniques, as far as possible, ensures that staff are aware of their responsibilities in accordance with the Registered Environmental Management System, as well as aware of environmental protection and occupational health and safety issues, seeks continuous environmental compliance and improvement provides all means necessary for the assessment of occupational hazards arising during implementation of the work and seeks continuous improvement in the management and performance of Workers' Health and Safety, by developing, implementing and reviewing Action Plans to achieve objectives and targets for Occupational Health and Safety,
taking the necessary measures to protect and prevent occupational accidents and diseases and
communicating its policy to employees, business partners and other interested parties.
The Company's Policy is achieved through the implementation of an Environmental Management System and an Occupational Health and Safety Management System which meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018. The framework and mechanism for defining and reviewing the objectives is set in the regular reviews of the System by the Management.

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 9001:2015

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